Bring’n Photography Back

Bring’n Photography Back

Due to the building of a new computer, I’ll finally be able to get back into the media side of things. I’m getting ready to make the switch from 10 year old desktop machine that doesn’t play well with modern software to the absolute latest technology enabling me to run my favorite programs in both Windows and Linux at the same time. This is huge for me being that i can now get back to taking pictures and start taking and editing HD video from a Go-Pro camera on trail runs and at 4×4 events for as well as streamline my day to day workflow from sending/recieving e-mail and product design for my primary job at Rugged Rocks. I can now be much more efficient at multi-tasking my rugged rocks work with my side jobs in the IT field from server setup & management to website development and programming. So in short, after technology left me in the dust, things should be well up to speed in all aspects of my broad scope of work.

As far as The Steven Experience is concerend with this technological revamp, this means more documentation on all the cool places that I visit and projects that i get into complete with pictures as well as posting some of my photography from my top shelf.


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